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types.h File Reference

Generic types. More...

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typedef unsigned char byte
typedef unsigned short word
typedef unsigned int dword
typedef int bool
typedef signed char int8_t
typedef unsigned char uint8_t
typedef signed short int int16_t
typedef unsigned short int uint16_t
typedef signed int int32_t
typedef unsigned int uint32_t
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t
typedef long long int64_t
typedef int8_t int8
typedef uint8_t uint8
typedef int16_t int16
typedef uint16_t uint16
typedef int32_t int32
typedef uint32_t uint32
typedef int64_t int64
typedef uint64_t uint64
typedef unsigned char uchar_t
typedef uint32_t wchar_t
typedef uint32_t size_t
typedef uint32_t addr_t
typedef int32_t pid_t

Detailed Description

Generic types.

Andrea Righi <>
Last update: 2004-01-27
Copyright (©) 2003 Andrea Righi

Definition in file types.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint32_t addr_t

Definition at line 34 of file types.h.

typedef int bool

Definition at line 14 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned char byte

Definition at line 11 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned int dword

Definition at line 13 of file types.h.

typedef int16_t int16

Definition at line 25 of file types.h.

typedef signed short int int16_t

Definition at line 17 of file types.h.

typedef int32_t int32

Definition at line 27 of file types.h.

typedef signed int int32_t

Definition at line 19 of file types.h.

typedef int64_t int64

Definition at line 29 of file types.h.

typedef long long int64_t

Definition at line 22 of file types.h.

typedef int8_t int8

Definition at line 23 of file types.h.

typedef signed char int8_t

Definition at line 15 of file types.h.

typedef int32_t pid_t

Definition at line 35 of file types.h.

typedef uint32_t size_t

Definition at line 33 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned char uchar_t

Definition at line 31 of file types.h.

typedef uint16_t uint16

Definition at line 26 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned short int uint16_t

Definition at line 18 of file types.h.

typedef uint32_t uint32

Definition at line 28 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned int uint32_t

Definition at line 20 of file types.h.

typedef uint64_t uint64

Definition at line 30 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned long long uint64_t

Definition at line 21 of file types.h.

typedef uint8_t uint8

Definition at line 24 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned char uint8_t

Definition at line 16 of file types.h.

typedef uint32_t wchar_t

Definition at line 32 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned short word

Definition at line 12 of file types.h.

Generated on Fri Feb 20 15:32:20 2004 for Minirighi by doxygen1.2.18